2016 m. rugpjūčio 19 d., penktadienis

"We're swindlers, we're swindlers" / „Aferistai, aferistai“

This is a character animation portfolio piece I made in 2016-02. A swindler, disguised as a musician comes for a job interview to the ministry of culture and manages to impress the bureaucrat with his enthusiasm.

Tai yra mano personažinės animacijos darbo pavyzdys. Ministro „Žentukas“ ateina į darbo pokalbį kultūros ministerijoje. Ir jo entuziazmas įtikiną biurokratą, kad visgi aferistas yra tinkamas.

Made with 3ds Max. The character rig is made by Ahmed Shalaby „Shiko“: http://shalabology.wordpress.com/free-stuffs/free-rigs/3dsmax/shiko-new-rig/

2016 m. rugpjūčio 16 d., antradienis

Graphics from an unannounced title, codenamed "Gem Wars"

These are my buildings from an old project at "On5." More than two years ago. It was supposed to be set in a steam punk floating island world, where different islands would command their heroes to battle for resources.