2016 m. rugsėjo 23 d., penktadienis
2016 m. rugsėjo 21 d., trečiadienis
"Catomic" won LT Game Awards 2016 best art style and best mobile game
“Catomic” won in two categories at Game awards 2016 – the Best mobile game and Best art style! Me and my colleague Timur are very proud. This is a link to my work on the game. And a link to an On5 blog post.
2016 m. rugsėjo 14 d., trečiadienis
Sci-fi Clash of Clans type game buildings
My buildings for a Clash of Clans type game, but in a sci-fi theme. This project was cancelled, but the producers were very happy with the graphics and how the game look. That was very satisfying, because that was my responsibility, and the producers were from a very famous overseas publishing company.
2016 m. rugsėjo 2 d., penktadienis
My drawings on a column in the office
My drawings with a marker. These are homages to Animation Domination High-Def from Fox and FXX, Portal by Valve, Quake by iD, The Witcher series, Batmetal from ArhyBES/Red Medusa, Gravity Falls by Alex Hirsch.
2016 m. rugpjūčio 19 d., penktadienis
"We're swindlers, we're swindlers" / „Aferistai, aferistai“
This is a character animation portfolio piece I made in 2016-02. A swindler, disguised as a musician comes for a job interview to the ministry of culture and manages to impress the bureaucrat with his enthusiasm.
Tai yra mano personažinės animacijos darbo pavyzdys. Ministro „Žentukas“ ateina į darbo pokalbį kultūros ministerijoje. Ir jo entuziazmas įtikiną biurokratą, kad visgi aferistas yra tinkamas.
Sound taken from „Dėmesio pakrašty“ http://www.lrt.lt/mediateka/irasas/85007/demesio_pakrasty#wowzaplaystart=0&wowzaplayduration=615000
Made with 3ds Max. The character rig is made by Ahmed Shalaby „Shiko“: http://shalabology.wordpress.com/free-stuffs/free-rigs/3dsmax/shiko-new-rig/
2016 m. rugpjūčio 16 d., antradienis
Graphics from an unannounced title, codenamed "Gem Wars"
These are my buildings from an old project at "On5." More than two years ago. It was supposed to be set in a steam punk floating island world, where different islands would command their heroes to battle for resources.
2016 m. liepos 8 d., penktadienis
Some turrets from "Spice Bandits 2"
This is an old piece of work from the development of "Spice Bandits 2." I made these soon after I started working at On5. I introduced a novel lighting scheme, best visible in 01_big_gun. I used more lights to show the cylinder form of the turrets better. These were made in 4 hours. It's funny how quick it is possible to make assets like these, but yet spend years on a game project.
2016 m. gegužės 19 d., ketvirtadienis
GGJ2015 - Communist Bong Collection
Šį žaidimą sukūrėme 2015-ųjų metų Global Game Jam renginyje Vilniuje. Penktadienio vakare buvo paskelbta tema, o sekmadienį vidudienį turėjome jau priduoti baigtą žaidimą. Aš kūriau grafiką, kambarį, objektus, veikėją, vinjetę, eksterjerą prisidėjau prie žaidimo mechanikos.
Buvo naudojami papildomi nemokami modeliai:
- Rukiryo's radio, TurboSquid
- Fworx's wall clock, TurboSquid
- Daina „Smoke Weed Everyday Dubstep Remix"
- „Рабочая Марсельеза“
Stiliaus lenta:
2016 m. sausio 4 d., pirmadienis
Iliustracijos iš „Catomic“ (iOS) žaidimo
2015-ųjų švenčių proga mes, „On-5“, sukūrėme žaidimą „Catomic“.
Savo iliustracijas pridėjau žemiau. Jos yra tos dvi eilutės nuotraukos viduryje / My illustrations, the two middle rows:
Pranešimai (Atom)