2012 m. gegužės 19 d., šeštadienis

Drawings on the relation of modern man to classical arts

This is a series of drawings on approximately A1 sized paper with Chinese ink. This series dwells on the relation of modern man to the classical arts.

Is it preposterous for an old man, disfigured by a trauma at an early age during fitness training, to stand strong in a toga? He was an athlete, and still at a senior age he is a champion in his respected field - with such athletic prowess, is this an incompatible concept with the beauty of man, so prevalent in Greek antiquity? Is an adolescent's rejection of classical beauty a childish mockery, which presents a melancholic situation where unbeknownst to them, they disassimilate, supposedly, the deeper and more natural truths about themselves? Or is the heritage of those times, albeit being so highly regarded as even apotheosizing numerous philosophers, artists, mathematicians, without any use to us? If so, we therefore could brutally sever our connection with the beautiful and dramatic part of our history. We could say goodbye to Seneca, Plato, Polykleitos, Phidias and many others...